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Prijateljske utakmice u nogometu: kladioničarski događaji, ljestvica
I u individualnim i u timskim sportovima služe za pripremu igrača za sudjelovanje na natjecanju ili početak sportske sezone u kojoj se natječu. U timskim sportovima imaju ulogu odabira trenera ili voditelja momčadi koji će igrati na nadolazećem turniru ili ligi. U nogometu se na razini reprezentacije prijateljske utakmice igraju i u slobodne dane kvalifikacija za reprezentaciju. Prijateljske utakmice ubrajaju se u službenu statistiku reprezentativne karijere nogometaša, kao i postignutih golova na njima. Prijateljske utakmice mogu uključivati i dobrotvorne utakmice na kojima se prikuplja novac za liječenje jedne ili više osoba. U svakom slučaju su prijateljske nogometne tekme izvrsne su za psihički I fizički razvoj timova i igrača pojedinačno, a pritome nam nude još jedan način i razlog za dobro klađenje.
Trenutno nema predviđenih klađenja u ovoj kategoriji.
Datum | Događaj | Rezultat |
10.08 | Senegal - Algeria | 1:1 |
10.08 | Morocco - Saudi Arabia | 0:2 |
30.07 | Senegal - Liberia | (1:0) 1:2 |
30.07 | Benin - Ghana | (0:0) 0:1 |
30.07 | Angola - Mauritius | (1:0) 1:0 |
30.07 | Tanzania - Somalia | (1:0) 2:1 |
30.07 | South Africa - Comoros | (0:0) 0:0 |
30.07 | Zambia - Mozambique | (0:0) 0:1 |
24.07 | Bahrain - Oman | 3:2 |
17.07 | Botswana - Cameroon | 0:1 |
17.07 | Myanmar - Vietnam | 4:3 |
15.07 | Malaysia - Laos | 2:0 |
15.07 | Vietnam - Phillipines | 0:4 |
15.07 | Vietnam - Thailand | 1:1 |
15.07 | Thailand - Myanmar | 2:0 |
13.07 | Laos - Thailand | 2:0 |
13.07 | Vietnam - Myanmar | 4:0 |
13.07 | Cambodia - East Timor | 3:1 |
13.07 | Vietnam - Malaysia | 0:3 |
12.07 | Thailand - Phillipines | 1:0 |
12.07 | Australia U23 - Malaysia | 6:0 |
12.07 | Indonesia - Singapore | 0:2 |
11.07 | Myanmar - Laos | 3:1 |
11.07 | Malaysia - Laos | 0:1 |
11.07 | Cambodia - East Timor | 1:4 |
10.07 | Vietnam - Thailand | 1:1 |
10.07 | Indonesia - Myanmar | 5:1 |
10.07 | Phillipines - Indonesia | 4:1 |
10.07 | Malaysia - Thailand | 0:4 |
09.07 | East Timor - Malaysia | 3:4 |
09.07 | Vietnam - Laos | 5:0 |
09.07 | Myanmar - Cambodia | 3:0 |
08.07 | Phillipines - Indonesia | 1:5 |
08.07 | Thailand - Singapore | 3:0 |
08.07 | Malaysia - Phillipines | 0:4 |
08.07 | Australia - Indonesia | 4:0 |
07.07 | Laos - East Timor | 2:0 |
06.07 | Lesotho - Malawi | 2:1 |
06.07 | Indonesia - Thailand | 0:0 |
06.07 | Indonesia - Malaysia | 1:1 |
06.07 | Phillipines - Singapore | 7:0 |
06.07 | Thailand - Australia U23 | 2:2 |
05.07 | Iraq - Lebanon | 1:1 |
05.07 | Singapore - East Timor | 0:1 |
05.07 | Laos - Cambodia | 1:1 |
05.07 | Cambodia - Malaysia | 1:2 |
02.07 | Indonesia - Vietnam | 0:0 |
29.06 | Chile - Venezuela | 1:3 |
28.06 | Faroe Islands - Andorra | 1:0 |
28.06 | Turkey - Azerbaijan | 2:2 |
28.06 | Chile - Venezuela | 0:1 |
27.06 | Tunisia - Senegal | 0:0 |
26.06 | Singapore - Hong Kong | 0:1 |
24.06 | North Macedonia - Kosovo | 3:1 |
24.06 | Uruguay - Bolivia | 5:0 |
23.06 | Bangladesh - Malaysia | 6:0 |
23.06 | Singapore - Hong Kong | 0:4 |
23.06 | Finland - Norway | 1:0 |
18.06 | Cameroon - Senegal | 1:0 |
13.06 | Lithuania - Estonia | 1:2 |
13.06 | Finland - Latvia | 0:0 |
11.06 | Azerbaijan - Romania | 1:0 |
11.06 | Kazakhstan - Bulgaria | 1:4 |
11.06 | Latvia - Lithuania | 1:1 |
10.06 | Bulgaria - Romania | 0:0 |
10.06 | Azerbaijan - Kazakhstan | 3:2 |
09.06 | Romania - Czech Republic | 0:0 |
09.06 | Slovakia - Azerbaijan | 0:1 |
09.06 | France - Bulgaria | 1:3 |
09.06 | Hungary - Kazakhstan | 1:1 |
09.06 | Saudi Arabia - United Arab Emirates | 2:0 |
09.06 | Latvia - Estonia | 7:1 |
09.06 | Lithuania - Finland | 0:0 |
08.06 | England - Czech Republic | 0:1 |
08.06 | Slovakia - Georgia | 2:0 |
08.06 | Romania - Portugal | 7:0 |
08.06 | Italy - Bulgaria | 1:2 |
08.06 | Ukraine - France | 0:1 |
08.06 | Montenegro - Kazakhstan | 3:3 |
08.06 | Serbia - Hungary | 1:2 |
07.06 | Ukraine - Portugal | 2:2 |
07.06 | Slovakia - Poland | 4:0 |
07.06 | Romania - Spain | 5:1 |
07.06 | Albania - Montenegro | 2:3 |
07.06 | Hungary - Turkey | 8:0 |
07.06 | Montenegro - Bulgaria | 3:1 |
07.06 | Kazakhstan - Greece | (0:1) 2:2 |
04.06 | Tajikistan - United Arab Emirates | 3:1 |
01.06 | Iceland - Ireland | 0:3 |
01.06 | Czech Republic - Croatia | 3:0 |
31.05 | Tunisia - Palestine | 1:1 |
26.05 | Qatar - Jordan | 2:3 |
24.05 | Iraq - Iran | 0:1 |
23.05 | Qatar - Jordan | 1:1 |
20.05 | Benin - Nigeria | 1:3 |
19.05 | Thailand - Indonesia | 0:0 |
16.05 | Laos - Thailand | 0:1 |
14.05 | Ghana - Burkina Faso | 1:2 |
13.05 | Philippines - Indonesia | 0:4 |
12.05 | Montenegro - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 1:1 |
11.05 | Nigeria - Burkina Faso | 2:2 |
10.05 | Niger - Benin | 0:0 |
10.05 | Ivory Coast - Togo | 2:0 |
10.05 | Montenegro - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 1:0 |
10.05 | Thailand - Sinapore | 3:0 |
10.05 | Indonesia - East Timor | 4:1 |
09.05 | Thailand - Singapore | 5:0 |
08.05 | Ghana - Nigeria | 0:2 |
07.05 | Togo - Benin | 0:1 |
07.05 | Niger - Ivory Coast | 0:1 |
07.05 | Thailand - Malaysia | 1:2 |
07.05 | Singapore - Laos | 2:2 |
06.05 | Vietnam - Indonesia | 3:0 |
06.05 | Phillipines - East Timor | 4:0 |
02.05 | Zambia - Botswana | 1:1 |
01.05 | Salvador - Panama | (1:2) 3:2 |
28.04 | Uruguay - Paraguay | 2:2 |
26.04 | Uruguay - Paraguay | 2:1 |
13.04 | Costa Rica - Guatemala | 5:0 |
13.04 | Mexico - Puerto Rico | 6:0 |
13.04 | Panama - El Salvador | 2:0 |
13.04 | Nicaragua - Dominican Republic | 10:0 |
13.04 | Trinidad & Tobago - Guyana | 2:2 |
13.04 | Morocco - Ghana | 2:0 |
12.04 | Honduras - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 2:1 |
12.04 | Portugal - Sweden | 2:3 |
12.04 | Malta - Italy U23 | 0:3 |
11.04 | Netherlands - England | 0:3 |
09.04 | Guyana - Nicaragua | 0:0 |
08.04 | El Salvador - Barbados | 2:0 |
08.04 | Guatemala - St. Kitts & Nevis | 1:2 |
08.04 | Puerto Rico - Surinam | 2:0 |
08.04 | Cuba - Honduras | 0:0 |
08.04 | Portugal - Norway | 2:4 |
08.04 | Netherlands - England | 0:0 |
08.04 | Australia - New Zealand | 2:1 |
29.03 | Saudi Arabia - Japan | 0:1 |
29.03 | Qatar - Croatia | 2:2 |
29.03 | Mauritania - Algeria | 0:2 |
29.03 | Iraq - Thailand | 2:1 |
29.03 | Uzbekistan - Vietnam | 1:0 |
29.03 | United Arab Emirates - China | 3:0 |
28.03 | Bulgaria - Montenegro | 3:1 |
28.03 | Albania - Kosovo | 2:2 |
26.03 | United Arab Emirates - Uzbekistan | 0:0 |
26.03 | Iraq - Saudi Arabia | 1:2 |
26.03 | Albania - Kosovo | 0:2 |
26.03 | Croatia - Vietnam | 1:0 |
26.03 | Qatar - Japan | 0:2 |
25.03 | Mauritania - Algeria | 1:1 |
25.03 | Guatemala - Cuba | 1:0 |
24.03 | Togo - Sierra Leone | 3:0 |
24.03 | Romania - Norway | 1:2 |
24.03 | Thailand - Nepal | 2:0 |
23.03 | Vietnam - Iraq | 0:0 |
23.03 | United Arab Emirates - China | 1:0 |
23.03 | Thailand - Qatar | 0:1 |
23.03 | Saudi Arabia - Uzbekistan | 2:0 |
23.03 | Japan - Croatia | 1:0 |
12.03 | Puerto Rico - Canada | 0:2 |
09.03 | Serbia - Croatia | 3:0 |
26.02 | Thailand - Vietnam | 0:1 |
20.02 | Phillipines - Brunei | 2:1 |
20.02 | Cambodia - Timor Leste | 0:1 |
18.02 | Chile U20 - Costa Rica U20 | 2:0 |
18.02 | Maldives - Seychelles | 0:4 |
18.02 | Slovenia U19 - Hungary U19 | 0:4 |
18.02 | Montenegro U19 - Bosnia and Herzegovina U19 | 2:0 |
18.02 | Laos U23 - Malaysia U23 | 2:1 |
17.02 | England - Canada | 1:1 |
17.02 | Portugal - Austria | 0:1 |
17.02 | Cambodia - Phillipines | 1:0 |
17.02 | Bulgaria - Romania | 1:1 |
17.02 | Cyprus - Malta | 0:2 |
17.02 | Brunei - Timor Leste | 1:3 |
16.02 | Portugal - Norway | 0:2 |
16.02 | Malta - Moldova | 3:1 |
16.02 | Wales - Scotland | 3:1 |
16.02 | Ireland - Poland | 2:1 |
16.02 | Montenegro - Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2:2 |
16.02 | Denmark - Italy | 0:1 |
14.02 | Cambodia - Brunei | 6:0 |
12.02 | Zambia - South Africa | 3:0 |
02.02 | Nicaragua - Belize | 1:1 |
01.02 | Qatar - Saudi Arabia | 2:2 |
01.02 | Bahrain - DR Kongo | (0:0) 1:0 |
01.02 | Kuwait - Libya | (0:1) 0:2 |
30.01 | Nicaragua - Belize | (2:0) 4:0 |
29.01 | Kuwait - Libya | (1:0) 2:0 |
27.01 | Japan - South Korea | 1:1 |
22.12 | Nicaragua - El Salvador | 1:4 |
19.12 | India - Nepal | 1:0 |
18.12 | Montenegro - Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1:0 |
17.12 | Nepal - Bhutan | 4:0 |
17.12 | Bangladesh - India | 1:0 |
15.12 | Qatar - Algeria | 1:2 |
15.12 | Tunisia - Egypt | 1:0 |
13.12 | Paraguay - Uruguay | 1:3 |
12.12 | Chile - Colombia | 1:2 |
11.12 | Morocco - Algeria | 1:1 |
11.12 | Egypt - Jordan | 1:1 |
11.12 | Colombia - Uruguay | 2:1 |
10.12 | Chile - Paraguay | 1:0 |
10.12 | Qatar - United Arab Emirates | 5:0 |
10.12 | Tunisia - Oman | 2:1 |
05.12 | East Timor - Thailand | (0:0) 0:2 |
01.12 | Venezuela - India | 2:1 |
29.11 | Portugal - Italy | 0:0 |
29.11 | Netherlands - England | 1:0 |
28.11 | India - Chile | 0:3 |
27.11 | Australia - USA | 0:3 |
26.11 | Norway - Netherlands | 0:4 |
24.11 | England - Norway | 4:3 |
17.11 | Brazil - Colombia | 3:2 |
17.11 | Mexico - USA | 2:1 |
16.11 | Portugal - Denmark | 0:1 |
15.11 | Hungary - Italy | 3:1 |
14.11 | Dominican Republic - Saint Lucia | 2:2 |
14.11 | Curacao - Grenada | 4:2 |
13.11 | Colombia - USA | 1:1 |
13.11 | Dominica - British Virgin Islands | 0:1 |
13.11 | Belize - Anguilla | 4:0 |
13.11 | Denmark - Georgia | 3:0 |
12.11 | Dominican Republic - Belize | 2:0 |
11.11 | Anguilla - Saint Martin | 2:2 |
11.11 | Mexico - Colombia | 0:0 |
11.11 | Puerto Rico - Bermuda | 6:0 |
10.11 | Guyana - Nicaragua | 0:6 |
10.11 | Barbados - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 0:2 |
10.11 | United States Virgin Islands - Cayman Islands | 2:5 |
28.10 | Qatar - Sri Lanka | 5:0 |
28.10 | Spain - Israel | 1:1 |
26.10 | Senegal - Liberia | 6:0 |
26.10 | Mauritania - Guinea-Bissau | 0:1 |
26.10 | Spain - Israel | 0:1 |
26.10 | Zambia - Malawi | 3:2 |
25.10 | Netherlands - Italy | 6:0 |
25.10 | Norway - Sweden | 2:3 |
25.10 | Iraq - Maldives | 4:0 |
25.10 | Iran - Nepal | 4:0 |
25.10 | South Korea - Phillipines | 3:0 |
24.10 | Ecuador - Venezuela | 1:4 |
24.10 | Bahrain - Taiwan | 0:2 |
24.10 | Guam - Lebanon | 0:3 |
22.10 | Paraguay - Brazil | 0:6 |
21.10 | Guam - Myanmar | 0:8 |
20.10 | Nigeria - Ghana | 2:0 |
20.10 | Malawi - Zambia | 1:1 |
20.10 | Egypt - Tunisia | 2:6 |
20.10 | Tanzania - Namibia | 1:2 |
20.10 | Uganda - Ethiopia | 2:0 |
20.10 | Zimbabwe - Eswatini | 3:1 |
15.10 | Qatar - Kuwait | 0:1 |
13.10 | India - Taiwan | 1:0 |
12.10 | Saudi Arabia - Jordan | 1:3 |
12.10 | Jordan - Uzbekistan | (1:0) 3:0 |
12.10 | Russia - Switzerland | 4:1 |
12.10 | Croatia - Bulgaria | 3:0 |
11.10 | France - Mexico | 4:1 |
11.10 | Montenegro - Albania | 0:1 |
10.10 | Jordan - Syria | 5:2 |
10.10 | Tunisia - Iraq | 1:2 |
10.10 | Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina | 4:0 |
09.10 | France - Belgium | 0:1 |
08.10 | Lebanon - Iraq | 2:2 |
08.10 | Kuwait - Oman | 1:1 |
08.10 | Saudi Arabia - Bahrain | 3:0 |
08.10 | Jordan - Yemen | 2:1 |
08.10 | Montenegro - Albania | 1:3 |
08.10 | Serbia - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 0:3 |
08.10 | Palestine - United Arab Emirates | 1:0 |
08.10 | North Macedonia - Turkey | 1:1 |
07.10 | South Africa - Malawi | 2:3 |
06.10 | France - England | 3:1 |
06.10 | Bulgaria - Switzerland | 0:4 |
05.10 | Zambia - Uganda | 1:0 |
04.10 | Angola - Malawi | 0:2 |
04.10 | Bangladesh - India | 1:1 |
04.10 | Botswana - Zimbabwe | 0:3 |
03.10 | Zambia - Namibia | 3:0 |
03.10 | Eswatini - Uganda | 1:5 |
02.10 | United Arab Emirates - India | 1:4 |
02.10 | Botswana - Tanzania | 0:2 |
01.10 | South Africa - Angola | 0:0 |
30.09 | Egypt - Liberia | (0:0) 2:0 |
30.09 | Zambia - Eswatini | 5:0 |
30.09 | Namibia - Uganda | 0:0 |
29.09 | Tanzania - Zimbabwe | 3:0 |
28.09 | South Africa - Malawi | 2:1 |
28.09 | Angola - Mozambique | 2:2 |
27.09 | Indonesia - Singapore | 1:0 |
25.09 | Jordan - Iran | 0:0 |
24.09 | Singapore - Indonesia | 0:1 |
24.09 | Phillipines - Hong Kong | 2:1 |
23.09 | Uzbekistan - South Korea | 0:4 |
20.09 | Cameroon - Ghana | 0:2 |
19.09 | Morocco - Mali | 0:0 |
18.09 | Netherlands - Mexico U20 | 7:0 |
18.09 | Estonia - Faroe Islands | 3:2 |
17.09 | Belize - Grenada | 6:1 |
07.09 | Portugal - Czech Republic | 2:2 |
07.09 | Bahrain - Jordan | (0:1) 1:2 |
07.09 | Slovenia - France | 2:2 |
07.09 | Kyrgyzstan - Bangladesh | (2:0) 4:1 |
07.09 | Saudi Arabia - Oman | 1:1 |
07.09 | Azerbaijan - Montenegro | 1:1 |
07.09 | North Macedonia - Slovakia | 1:1 |
07.09 | Croatia - Austria | 0:1 |
07.09 | Russia - Saudi Arabia | 2:1 |
07.09 | Bosnia-Herzegovina - Romania | 1:0 |
06.09 | Jordan - Tunisia | 1:0 |
05.09 | Bulgaria - Malta | 1:0 |
05.09 | Nepal - India | (0:0) 1:2 |
05.09 | Spain - Mexico | 3:2 |
05.09 | Estonia - Georgia | 0:2 |
04.09 | Haiti - Jordan | (2:0) 2:0 |
04.09 | Croatia - Turkey | 1:1 |
04.09 | France - Slovakia | 1:1 |
04.09 | Wales - Austria | 2:3 |
03.09 | Portugal - Belgium | 0:2 |
03.09 | Denmark - Greece | 1:1 |
03.09 | Spain - Mexico | 5:1 |
03.09 | Serbia - Azerbaijan | 2:1 |
03.09 | Montenegro - Hungary | 1:4 |
03.09 | Northern Ireland - Faroe Islands | 1:0 |
02.09 | France - Russia | 5:2 |
02.09 | Slovenia - North Macedonia | 4:3 |
02.09 | Czech Republic - Germany | 0:2 |
02.09 | Saudi Arabia U20 - Slovakia U19 | 1:2 |
02.09 | Kyrgyz Republik - Palestine | (1:0) 1:0 |
01.09 | Bahrain - Haiti | (5:0) 6:1 |
01.09 | Croatia - Wales | 2:0 |
01.09 | Northern Ireland - Faroe Islands | 1:0 |
01.09 | Comoros - Seychelles | (3:0) 7:1 |
01.09 | Austria - Turkey | 0:3 |
31.08 | Palestine - Jordan | 1:4 |
28.08 | Algeria - Palestine | 4:1 |
23.08 | Uzbekistan - Iran | 2:0 |
03.08 | Romania - Israel | 2:0 |
30.07 | Tanzania - Burundi | 0:0 |
28.07 | Eritrea - Uganda | 1:2 |
27.07 | Burundi - Kenya | 1:0 |
27.07 | Tanzania - South Sudan | 1:0 |
26.07 | Uganda - Congo DR | 1:0 |
26.07 | Ethiopia - Eritrea | 1:1 |
24.07 | Uganda - Tanzania | 1:1 |
24.07 | Djibouti - South Sudan | 0:2 |
23.07 | Ethiopia - Burundi | 1:1 |
21.07 | Tanzania - Congo | 1:0 |
21.07 | South Sudan - Kenya | 0:2 |
18.07 | Senegal - South Africa | 0:0 |
18.07 | Eswatini - Mozambique | 1:1 |
15.07 | Brazil - United Arab Emirates | 5:2 |
15.07 | Albania - Turkey | 1:4 |
10.07 | Panama - Dominican Republic | 5:0 |
08.07 | Nicaragua - Dominican Republic | 1:0 |
07.07 | Guatemala - Guadeloupe | (1:1) 1:1 |
07.07 | Haiti - Bermuda | (3:0) 4:1 |
06.07 | Trinidad and Tobago - French Guiana | (1:1) 1:1 |
03.07 | Algeria - Tunisia | 2:0 |
03.07 | Egypt - Saudi Arabia | 2:3 |
02.07 | Istra 1961 - El Salvador | 2:1 |
30.06 | Senegal - Saudi Arabia | 1:1 |
29.06 | Morocco - Algeria | 1:1 |
29.06 | Egypt - Tajikistan | 3:0 |
29.06 | Estonia - Latvia | 0:1 |
28.06 | Latvia - Lithuania | 0:0 |
27.06 | Tunisia - Saudi Arabia | 2:1 |
27.06 | Senegal - Iraq | 1:1 |
27.06 | Comoros - Lebanon | 3:1 |
27.06 | Estonia - Lithuania | 1:0 |
26.06 | Morocco - United Arab Emirates | 5:0 |
26.06 | Djibouti - Tajikistan | 0:5 |
26.06 | Algeria - Niger | 2:2 |
26.06 | Egypt - Mauritania | 4:1 |
25.06 | Bahrain - Kuwait | 2:0 |
25.06 | Slovenia - Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1:2 |
24.06 | Yemen - Saudi Arabia | 1:2 |
24.06 | Lebanon - Iraq | 0:2 |
23.06 | Lebanon - Djibouti | 1:0 |
23.06 | Tajikistan - United Arab Emirates | 3:2 |
23.06 | Niger - Mauritania | 0:0 |
23.06 | Slovenia - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 2:4 |
23.06 | Egypt - Algeria | 1:0 |
21.06 | Saudi Arabia - Uzbekistan | 2:0 |
21.06 | Iraq - Comoros | 3:4 |
17.06 | Algeria - Liberia | 5:1 |
15.06 | Belarus - Armenia | 7:1 |
14.06 | Bulgaria - North Macedonia | 3:2 |
13.06 | Egypt - South Africa | 3:0 |
13.06 | Malta - Montenegro | 1:0 |
13.06 | Jordan - Tunisia | 0:2 |
13.06 | Japan - Mexico | 5:1 |
12.06 | Montenegro - Albania | 2:0 |
12.06 | Slovenia - Croatia | 4:1 |
12.06 | Armenia - Kazakhstan | 2:1 |
11.06 | Bosnia and Herzegovina U21 - Katar U23 | (0:0) 1:0 |
11.06 | Uzbekistan - Iran | 5:0 |
11.06 | Guinea - Niger | (0:1) 2:1 |
11.06 | Slovakia - Poland | 0:2 |
10.06 | Malta - Montenegro | 1:2 |
08.06 | Serbia U21 - Brazil U23 | (0:1) 0:3 |
07.06 | Serbia - Romania | 1:0 |
06.06 | Moldova - Azerbaijan | 2:0 |
05.06 | Mexico - Romania | 1:0 |
05.06 | Ireland U21 - Denmark U20 | 0:1 |
05.06 | Serbia - Romania | 1:0 |
05.06 | Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina | 4:2 |
05.06 | Bulgaria - North Macedonia | 1:1 |
02.06 | Bulgaria - North Macedonia | 1:0 |
02.06 | Belarus - Azerbaijan | 0:0 |
02.06 | Australia - Ireland U21 | -:- |
01.06 | Montenegro - Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1:2 |
30.05 | Switzerland - Ireland | 2:0 |
25.05 | Indonesia - Afghanistan | 2:3 |
15.04 | North Macedonia - Montenegro | 1:1 |
13.04 | North Macedonia - Montenegro | 2:0 |
13.04 | China - South Korea | 1:2 |
12.04 | Lebanon - Jordan | 0:6 |
11.04 | North Macedonia - Kosovo | 0:1 |
11.04 | Uzbekistan - Belarus | 1:3 |
10.04 | Ecuador - Colombia | 0:1 |
08.04 | India - Belarus | 1:2 |
05.04 | Uzbekistan - India | 1:0 |
31.03 | Honduras - Mexico | 1:1 |
29.03 | Ukraine - Slovakia | 2:3 |
29.03 | Lebanon - Kuwait | (0:1) 1:1 |
29.03 | North Macedonia - Bulgaria | 5:1 |
29.03 | Uzbekistan - Iraq | 0:1 |
29.03 | Georgia - Belarus | 4:1 |
29.03 | Nepal - Bangladesh | (2:0) 2:1 |
29.03 | Mexico - Canada | 2:0 |
29.03 | Honduras - USA | 2:1 |
27.03 | Austria - Saudi Arabia | 10:0 |
26.03 | Japan U24 - Argentina U23 | 0:1 |
25.03 | India - Oman | 1:1 |
25.03 | Nepal - Kyrgyzstan U-23 | 0:0 |
24.03 | Jordan - Lebanon | (0:0) 1:0 |
23.03 | Kirgistan U23 - Bangladesh | (0:1) 0:1 |
22.03 | Dominican Republic - USA | 0:4 |
15.03 | Kenya - Tanzania | 2:1 |
25.02 | Serbia - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 2:1 |
24.02 | Canada - Brazil | 0:2 |
23.02 | Austria - Slovakia | (1:0) 1:0 |
23.02 | Serbia - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 1:0 |
20.02 | Cameroon - Mozambique | 4:1 |
18.02 | Belgium - Netherlands | 1:6 |
12.01 | Morocco - Guinea | 1:0 |
12.01 | Tanzania - DR Kongo | 1:1 |
07.01 | Niger - Uganda | 0:3 |
04.01 | Cameroon - Niger | 1:2 |
04.01 | Zambia - Uganda | 0:2 |
02.01 | Zambia - Niger | (2:1) 3:3 |
01.01 | Cameroon - Uganda | (1:0) 1:1 |
27.12 | Tunisia - Libya | 1:0 |
27.12 | Tajikistan - Iran | 1:1 |
24.12 | Tajikistan - Iran | 2:1 |
21.12 | Tunisia - Morocco | 0:0 |
21.12 | Libya - Algeria | 1:0 |
19.12 | Ghana - Burkina Faso | 2:1 |
18.12 | Algeria - Morocco | 0:1 |
15.12 | Tunisia - Algeria | 1:1 |
13.12 | Namibia - Mozambique | 0:1 |
13.12 | Angola - Zambia | 2:1 |
12.12 | Ivory Coast - Ghana | 1:0 |
11.12 | Benin - Burkina Faso | 0:1 |
11.12 | Mozambique - Zambia | 0:0 |
11.12 | Angola - Namibia | 0:1 |
09.12 | Namibia - Comoros | 1:0 |
09.12 | Zambia - Malawi | 2:0 |
08.12 | Niger - Burkina Faso | 0:0 |
08.12 | Benin - Togo | 2:0 |
08.12 | South Africa - Mozambique | 0:0 |
08.12 | Zimbabwe - Lesotho | 4:1 |
08.12 | Eswatini - Botswana | 0:1 |
07.12 | Namibia - Malawi | 2:1 |
07.12 | Comoros - Zambia | 0:2 |
06.12 | Nigeria - Ivory Coast | 1:1 |
06.12 | South Africa - Lesotho | 7:0 |
06.12 | Botswana - Angola | 0:4 |
06.12 | Mozambique - Zimbabwe | 2:0 |
05.12 | Togo - Burkina Faso | 1:1 |
05.12 | Benin - Niger | 0:1 |
04.12 | Zambia - Namibia | 1:0 |
04.12 | Angola - Eswatini | 0:1 |
02.12 | Kenya - South Sudan | 1:2 |
30.11 | Tanzania - South Sudan | 1:0 |
30.11 | Uganda - Kenya | 3:1 |
27.11 | Senegal - Guinea-Bissau | 0:0 |
27.11 | Guinea - Gambia | 1:2 |
27.11 | Burundi - South Sudan | 0:4 |
27.11 | Kenya - Sudan | 2:1 |
26.11 | Tanzania - Somalia | 8:1 |
25.11 | Mali - Mauritania | 1:0 |
25.11 | Sudan - Ethiopia | 2:3 |
25.11 | Uganda - Burundi | 6:1 |
24.11 | Sierra Leone - Gambia | 1:2 |
24.11 | Djibouti - Somalia | 2:1 |
23.11 | Guinea - Mali | 3:1 |
23.11 | South Sudan - Uganda | 0:0 |
23.11 | Ethiopia - Kenya | 0:3 |
21.11 | Guinea - Mauritania | 1:0 |
18.11 | Zanzibar - Sudan | 1:0 |
17.11 | Egypt - Brazil | 2:1 |
17.11 | Slovenia - Russia | 2:2 |
14.11 | Saudi Arabia - South Africa | 3:2 |
14.11 | South Africa - Botswana | 2:1 |
14.11 | South Korea - Brazil | 1:3 |
13.11 | Bangladesh - Nepal | 2:0 |
12.11 | Egypt - South Korea | 0:0 |
12.11 | South Africa - Malawi | 6:2 |
12.11 | North Macedonia - Montenegro | 1:1 |
12.11 | Botswana - Zambia | 2:1 |
11.11 | Tanzania - Sudan | 1:2 |
09.11 | South Africa - Comoros | 7:0 |
09.11 | Angola - Eswatini | 4:3 |
09.11 | Zimbabwe - Botswana | 0:1 |
09.11 | Zambia - Malawi | 0:1 |
07.11 | Malawi - Lesotho | 9:0 |
07.11 | Botswana - Tanzania | 1:0 |
04.11 | Zimbabwe - Tanzania | 0:1 |
04.11 | Zambia - Lesotho | 8:0 |
13.10 | Senegal - Mauritania | (-:-) -:- |
13.10 | Turkey - Bulgaria | 1:0 |
13.10 | Cameroon A - SOUTH SUDAN | 0:0 |
11.10 | Libya - Comoros | (1:0) 1:2 |
10.10 | Cameroon A - SOUTH SUDAN | 0:0 |
09.10 | Ghana - Mali | 0:3 |
09.10 | Tunisia - Sudan | 3:0 |
09.10 | Japan - Cameroon | 0:0 |
06.10 | Croatia - Qatar | 7:0 |
27.09 | Bosnia and Herzegovina - Qatar | 1:1 |
25.09 | Indonesia - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 0:1 |
08.09 | Saudi Arabia - Bulgaria | 2:3 |
07.09 | Poland - Czech Republic | -:- |
06.09 | England XI - Rest of the world XI | 1:1 |
05.09 | Bulgaria - Indonesia | 3:0 |
03.09 | Poland - Germany | 1:1 |
02.09 | Croatia - Bulgaria | 3:2 |
14.03 | Uruguay - Peru | 6:0 |
13.03 | Venezuela - Ecuador | 7:0 |
13.03 | Venezuela - Ecuador | (2:0) 7:0 |
12.03 | Peru - Paraguay | 0:3 |
12.03 | Serbia - Bulgaria | (0:0) 2:0 |
12.03 | Malta - Montenegro | 1:3 |
12.03 | USA - Japan | (2:0) 3:1 |
11.03 | England - Spain | (0:0) 0:1 |
11.03 | Slovakia - Finland | (1:2) 2:4 |
11.03 | Mexico - Czech Republic | (0:0) 0:0 |
10.03 | France - Netherlands | (1:2) 3:3 |
10.03 | Portugal - Sweden | (0:1) 0:2 |
10.03 | Northern Ireland - Scotland | 1:2 |
10.03 | Brazil - Canada | 2:2 |
10.03 | Belgium - Denmark | (0:3) 0:4 |
10.03 | Austria - Switzerland | (1:1) 1:2 |
10.03 | New Zealand - Norway | (1:1) 1:2 |
10.03 | Portugal - Austria | 1:0 |
10.03 | Iceland - Ukraine | 1:0 |
10.03 | Belarus - Serbia | (0:2) 0:5 |
10.03 | Norway - Sweden | 1:1 |
10.03 | Malta - Montenegro | 0:2 |
10.03 | Chile - Peru | 0:0 |
09.03 | Uruguay - Paraguay | 4:2 |
09.03 | Switzerland - Italy | 3:1 |
09.03 | Bolivia - Ecuador | 0:2 |
08.03 | Venezuela - Colombia | 2:1 |
08.03 | USA - Spain | (0:0) 1:0 |
08.03 | Japan - England | (0:0) 0:1 |
08.03 | Mexico - Slovakia | (0:2) 2:2 |
08.03 | Norway - Netherlands | 1:1 |
08.03 | Finland - Croatia | 2:3 |
08.03 | Denmark - England | 2:1 |
07.03 | Chile - Uruguay | 2:3 |
07.03 | New Zealand - Italy | (0:1) 0:3 |
07.03 | France - Brazil | (0:0) 1:0 |
07.03 | Canada - Netherlands | (0:0) 0:0 |
07.03 | Ukraine - Northern Ireland | 4:0 |
07.03 | Germany - Norway | (2:0) 4:0 |
07.03 | Belgium - Portugal | (0:0) 1:0 |
07.03 | Portugal - Finland | 0:2 |
07.03 | Germany - Norway | 2:0 |
07.03 | Sweden - Denmark | (1:0) 1:2 |
07.03 | Scotland - Iceland | 1:0 |
07.03 | Italy - Iceland | 1:7 |
07.03 | France - Switzerland | 0:1 |
07.03 | Argentina - Colombia | 0:0 |
06.03 | Bolivia - Venezuela | 0:5 |
06.03 | Dominican Republic - USA | 0:6 |
06.03 | Wales - Estonia | (0:0) 2:0 |
06.03 | Austria - Switzerland | (1:0) 1:1 |
06.03 | USA - Netherlands | 2:1 |
06.03 | Poland - Denmark | 1:3 |
06.03 | England - Sweden | 1:2 |
06.03 | Armenia - Lithuania | (1:0) 1:1 |
06.03 | USA - England | (0:0) 2:0 |
05.03 | Spain - Japan | (1:1) 3:1 |
05.03 | Iceland - Switzerland | (3:1) 4:1 |
05.03 | Belgium - Scotland | 2:1 |
05.03 | Finland - Czech Republic | (1:0) 4:2 |
05.03 | Norway - Italy | (4:1) 5:1 |
05.03 | Czech Republic - Finland | (0:0) 1:1 |
05.03 | Croatia - Mexico | (1:1) 1:1 |
05.03 | Germany - France | (1:0) 2:1 |
05.03 | Guatemala - Panama | (0:1) 0:2 |
05.03 | Argentina - Ecuador | 1:0 |
04.03 | Colombia - Bolivia | 8:0 |
04.03 | Mexico - Trinidad & Tobago | 4:0 |
04.03 | Portugal - Italy | (1:0) 1:2 |
04.03 | Haiti - Guyana | 3:0 |
04.03 | USA - Canada | 4:0 |
04.03 | Netherlands - Brazil | (0:0) 0:0 |
04.03 | Ukraine - Scotland | 0:3 |
04.03 | New Zealand - Belgium | (1:0) 1:1 |
04.03 | Dominican Republic - Jamaica | 2:1 |
04.03 | Sweden - Poland | 1:0 |
04.03 | Germany - Sweden | (1:0) 1:0 |
04.03 | France - Canada | (0:0) 1:0 |
04.03 | Northern Ireland - Iceland | 0:1 |
04.03 | Austria - Slovenia | (0:0) 1:0 |
04.03 | Denmark - Norway | (1:1) 1:2 |
04.03 | USA - England | 3:0 |
04.03 | Denmark - Netherlands | 1:2 |
03.03 | Portugal - Czech Republic | 2:1 |
28.02 | Rwanda - Congo | (0:0) 0:0 |
27.02 | Egypt - Iraq | 1:0 |
27.02 | Tunisia - Algeria | 2:0 |
26.02 | Honduras - Costa Rica | -:- |
26.02 | Bulgaria - Belarus | (0:1) 0:1 |
26.02 | Spain - Denmark | 1:1 |
25.02 | Portugal - France | (0:1) 3:1 |
25.02 | Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1:3 |
25.02 | North Macedonia - Georgia | 1:5 |
25.02 | Cuba - Honduras | 6:1 |
24.02 | Dominican Republic - USA | 0:4 |
24.02 | El Salvador - Jamaica | 1:4 |
24.02 | Cameroon - Rwanda | (0:0) 0:0 |
24.02 | Sudan - United Arab Emirates | 0:2 |
24.02 | Saudi Arabia - Algeria | 1:2 |
24.02 | Palestine - Egypt | 2:4 |
24.02 | Libya - Senegal | 0:3 |
23.02 | Iraq - Mauritania | 2:0 |
23.02 | Tunisia - Kuwait | 1:1 |
23.02 | Morocco - Madagascar | 2:1 |
22.02 | Tunisia - Tanzania | 1:1 |
22.02 | Algeria - Morocco | 0:2 |
21.02 | Montserrat - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 1:5 |
21.02 | United Arab Emirates - Libya | 1:2 |
21.02 | Algeria - Palestina | 1:0 |
21.02 | Senegal - Sudan | 3:1 |
21.02 | Egypt - Saudi Arabia | 2:2 |
20.02 | Madagascar - Bahrain | 4:5 |
20.02 | Mauritania - Tunisia | 0:1 |
20.02 | Kuwait - Iraq | 0:0 |
20.02 | Djibouti - Morocco | 0:6 |
19.02 | US Virgin Islands - Montserrat | 1:1 |
18.02 | Scotland - Czech Republic | 1:1 |
18.02 | United Arab Emirates - Senegal | 0:0 |
18.02 | Algeria - Egypt | 1:4 |
18.02 | Croatia - Austria | 4:0 |
18.02 | Sudan - Libya | 0:2 |
18.02 | Saudi Arabia - Palestine | 4:0 |
17.02 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Guyana | 0:3 |
17.02 | Morocco - Bahrain | 4:2 |
17.02 | Iraq - Tunisia | 1:2 |
12.02 | Italy - Switzerland | 0:0 |
10.02 | Argentina - Brazil | (0:2) 0:3 |
10.02 | Colombia - Uruguay | (0:1) 1:3 |
08.02 | Paraguay - Brazil | 1:4 |
07.02 | Venezuela - Paraguay | 3:1 |
07.02 | Argentina - Colombia | (0:0) 2:1 |
07.02 | Brazil - Uruguay | (1:1) 1:1 |
06.02 | Turkey - Slovenia | 0:1 |
04.02 | Turkey - Slovenia | 1:1 |
04.02 | Brazil - Colombia | (0:1) 1:1 |
04.02 | Argentina - Uruguay | (2:0) 3:2 |
01.02 | USA - Costa Rica | (0:0) 1:0 |
01.02 | Bolivia - Peru | (0:0) 2:1 |
31.01 | Morocco - Tunisia | 6:3 |
31.01 | Colombia - Chile | (0:0) 0:0 |
31.01 | Venezuela - Argentina | (1:0) 1:4 |
30.01 | Italy - Sweden | 1:0 |
29.01 | Brazil - Bolivia | (3:1) 5:3 |
29.01 | Peru - Uruguay | (0:1) 0:1 |
28.01 | Morocco - Tunisia | 2:1 |
28.01 | Italy - Sweden | 4:1 |
28.01 | Myanmar - Thailand | 1:1 |
28.01 | Colombia - Venezuela | (1:1) 2:1 |
28.01 | Argentina - Ecuador | (1:0) 1:0 |
27.01 | Georgia - Azerbaijan | 1:0 |
26.01 | South Korea - Saudi Arabia | 0:0 |
26.01 | Bolivia - Uruguay | (1:0) 3:2 |
25.01 | Australia - Uzbekistan | (0:0) 1:0 |
25.01 | Chile - Argentina | (0:1) 0:2 |
25.01 | Venezuela - Ecuador | (1:0) 1:0 |
23.01 | Bangladesh - Burundi | 0:3 |
23.01 | Brazil - Uruguay | (2:0) 3:1 |
23.01 | Paraguay - Bolivia | (1:0) 2:0 |
22.01 | Australia - South Korea | (0:0) 0:2 |
22.01 | Palestine - Seychelles | (0:0) 1:0 |
22.01 | Saudi Arabia - Uzbekistan | (0:0) 1:0 |
22.01 | Montenegro - Bosnia-Herzegovina | 2:3 |
22.01 | Colombia - Ecuador | (3:0) 4:0 |
22.01 | Chile - Venezuela | (0:0) 1:0 |
20.01 | Uruguay - Paraguay | 1:0 |
19.01 | United Arab Emirates - Uzbekistan | (1:3) 1:5 |
19.01 | Bangladesh - Sri Lanka | (1:0) 3:0 |
19.01 | South Korea - Jordan | 2:1 |
19.01 | Colombia - Argentina | 1:2 |
19.01 | Ecuador - Chile | 0:3 |
18.01 | Portugal - Switzerland | 1:1 |
18.01 | Australia - Syria | 0:0 |
18.01 | Burundi - Seychelles | (0:1) 3:1 |
18.01 | Saudi Arabia - Thailand | 1:0 |
17.01 | Arsenal - Leicester | 3:0 |
17.01 | Malta - Turkey | (1:1) 1:2 |
17.01 | Palestine - Sri Lanka | 2:0 |
16.01 | Jordan - United Arab Emirates | (0:1) 1:1 |
16.01 | Vietnam - North Korea | (1:1) 1:2 |
16.01 | Mauritius - Burundi | 1:4 |
15.01 | Saudi Arabia - Syrian Arab Republic | (0:0) 1:0 |
15.01 | Qatar - Japan | (0:0) 1:1 |
15.01 | Spain - Italy | (0:0) 1:1 |
15.01 | Bangladesh - Palestine | 0:2 |
15.01 | China - Iran | (0:0) 0:1 |
15.01 | Uzbekistan - South Korea | (1:1) 1:2 |
14.01 | Thailand - Iraq | (1:0) 1:1 |
14.01 | Australia - Bahrain | (1:1) 1:1 |
13.01 | Jordan - Vietnam | (0:0) 0:0 |
13.01 | United Arab Emirates - North Korea | (2:0) 2:0 |
12.01 | Sweden - Kosovo | (0:0) 1:0 |
12.01 | Syrian Arab Republic - Japan | (1:1) 2:1 |
12.01 | China - Uzbekistan | (0:1) 0:2 |
12.01 | Saudi Arabia - Qatar | 0:0 |
12.01 | Iran - South Korea | (0:2) 1:2 |
11.01 | Australia - Thailand | (1:1) 2:1 |
11.01 | Bahrain - Iraq | (1:0) 2:2 |
10.01 | North Korea - Jordan | (0:1) 1:2 |
10.01 | Vietnam - United Arab Emirates | (0:0) 0:0 |
09.01 | Sweden - Moldova | (1:0) 1:0 |
09.01 | South Korea - China | (0:0) 1:0 |
09.01 | Japan - Saudi Arabia | (0:0) 1:2 |
09.01 | Uzbekistan - Iran | (1:0) 1:1 |
09.01 | Qatar - Syrian Arab Republic | (2:1) 2:2 |
08.01 | Thailand - Bahrain | (1:0) 5:0 |
08.01 | Iraq - Australia | (0:0) 1:1 |
08.01 | Canada - Barbados | (3:1) 4:1 |
08.01 | Argentina - Paraguay | 1:1 |
19.12 | Paraguay - Colombia | 3:1 |
19.12 | Kenya - Tanzania | 2:1 |
18.12 | Peru - Ecuador | 0:1 |
18.12 | South Korea - Japan | (1:0) 1:0 |
18.12 | Hong Kong - China | 0:2 |
17.12 | Uganda - Tanzania | 1:0 |
17.12 | Myanmar - Cambodia | 4:2 |
17.12 | South Korea - Japan | 0:1 |
17.12 | Kenya - Eritrea | 1:4 |
17.12 | Taiwan - China | (0:1) 0:1 |
15.12 | Uganda - Djibouti | 4:1 |
15.12 | Vietnam - Cambodia | 3:0 |
15.12 | South Korea - China | (1:0) 1:0 |
15.12 | Somalia - Eritrea | 0:0 |
15.12 | South Korea - Taiwan | 3:0 |
14.12 | Sudan - Tanzania | 0:0 |
14.12 | China - Mali | 3:0 |
14.12 | Japan - Hong Kong | (4:0) 5:0 |
14.12 | Madagascar - Angola | 1:5 |
14.12 | Tajikistan - Syria | 0:0 |
14.12 | China - Japan | 0:3 |
13.12 | Burundi - Somalia | 0:1 |
13.12 | Djibouti - Eritrea | 0:3 |
13.12 | Brazil - Mexico | (2:0) 6:0 |
12.12 | Zambia - Angola | 3:0 |
12.12 | South Africa - Madagascar | 2:2 |
11.12 | Uganda - Eritrea | 2:0 |
11.12 | Burundi - Djibouti | 1:2 |
11.12 | South Korea - Hong Kong | (1:0) 2:0 |
11.12 | Taiwan - Japan | (0:5) 0:9 |
10.12 | Madagascar - Mauritius | 2:1 |
10.12 | South Africa - Lesotho | 4:0 |
10.12 | Tanzania - Zanzibar | 1:0 |
10.12 | Indonesia - Vietnam | 0:3 |
10.12 | Sudan - Kenya | 1:2 |
10.12 | China - Japan | (0:1) 1:2 |
10.12 | Nepal - Bhutan | 2:1 |
10.12 | Myanmar - Cambodia | 2:2 |
10.12 | South Korea - China | 0:0 |
09.12 | Zambia - Malawi | 2:1 |
09.12 | Comoros - Botswana | 1:2 |
09.12 | Uganda - Somalia | 2:0 |
09.12 | Mozambique - Seychelles | 3:2 |
09.12 | Angola - Eswatini | 4:1 |
09.12 | Burundi - Eritrea | 0:1 |
08.12 | Bahrain - Saudi Arabia | (0:0) 1:0 |
08.12 | Madagascar - South Africa | 1:1 |
08.12 | Thailand - Vietnam | (0:0) 0:0 |
08.12 | Nepal - Bangladesh | 1:0 |
08.12 | Mauritius - Lesotho | 2:2 |
08.12 | Seychelles - Eswatini | 0:2 |
07.12 | Uganda - Burundi | 2:1 |
07.12 | Vietnam - Cambodia | 4:0 |
07.12 | India - Nepal | 1:0 |
07.12 | Sri Lanka - Bhutan | 0:3 |
07.12 | Botswana - Malawi | 2:2 |
07.12 | Djibouti - Somalia | 0:0 |
07.12 | Myanmar - Indonesia | 2:2 |
05.12 | Venezuela - Cuba | 3:0 |
05.12 | Saudi Arabia - Qatar | (1:0) 1:0 |
05.12 | Iraq - Bahrain | (2:2) 2:2 |
05.12 | South Africa - Mauritius | 5:0 |
05.12 | Vietnam - Philippines | (0:0) 2:0 |
05.12 | Myanmar - Thailand | (0:0) 0:1 |
05.12 | Sri Lanka - Bangladesh | 0:1 |
05.12 | Lesotho - Madagascar | 0:3 |
05.12 | Mozambique - Swaziland | 0:2 |
05.12 | Indonesia - Laos | 4:0 |
05.12 | Brunei Darussalam - Singapore | (0:1) 0:7 |
05.12 | Vietnam - Thailand | (1:2) 2:2 |
05.12 | Bhutan - Maldives | 2:1 |
04.12 | Zambia - Botswana | 5:0 |
04.12 | Brazil - Colombia | 1:0 |
04.12 | Nepal - Sri Lanka | 1:1 |
04.12 | Angola - Seychelles | 8:0 |
04.12 | Timor-Leste - Philippines | (0:2) 1:6 |
04.12 | Cambodia - Malaysia | (0:0) 3:1 |
03.12 | Venezuela - Cuba | 0:0 |
03.12 | Indonesia - Brunei Darussalam | 8:0 |
03.12 | Singapore - Vietnam | (0:0) 0:1 |
03.12 | Bangladesh - Maldives | 1:1 |
03.12 | Laos - Thailand | 0:2 |
03.12 | Nepal - Bhutan | 4:0 |
02.12 | Kuwait - Bahrain | (0:1) 2:4 |
02.12 | Oman - Saudi Arabia | (0:2) 1:3 |
02.12 | Yemen - Iraq | (0:0) 0:0 |
02.12 | Qatar - United Arab Emirates | (2:1) 4:2 |
02.12 | Malaysia - Timor-Leste | (3:0) 4:0 |
02.12 | Myanmar - Cambodia | (1:1) 2:1 |
02.12 | Thailand - Indonesia | 5:1 |
02.12 | Myanmar - Malaysia | 5:0 |
02.12 | Bangladesh - Bhutan | 0:1 |
01.12 | Vietnam - Indonesia | (0:1) 2:1 |
01.12 | Laos - Brunei Darussalam | 3:0 |
01.12 | Thailand - Singapore | (3:0) 3:0 |
30.11 | Bahrain - Saudi Arabia | (0:1) 0:2 |
30.11 | Kuwait - Oman | (0:2) 1:2 |
29.11 | Yemen - Qatar | (0:2) 0:6 |
29.11 | United Arab Emirates - Iraq | (0:2) 0:2 |
29.11 | Malaysia - Philippines | (0:4) 0:5 |
29.11 | Philippines - Malaysia | (0:0) 1:0 |
29.11 | Indonesia - Vietnam | (0:3) 0:6 |
29.11 | Timor-Leste - Myanmar | (1:2) 1:3 |
28.11 | Oman - Pakistan | 1:0 |
28.11 | Palestine - Iraq | 1:3 |
28.11 | Indonesia - Singapore | (0:0) 2:0 |
28.11 | Tajikistan - Uzbekistan | 0:3 |
28.11 | Kyrgyz Republik - Turkmenistan | 0:2 |
28.11 | Brunei Darussalam - Thailand | 0:7 |
28.11 | Vietnam - Laos | 6:1 |
27.11 | Saudi Arabia - Kuwait | (0:2) 1:3 |
27.11 | Oman - Bahrain | (0:0) 0:0 |
27.11 | Tunisia - Morocco | 1:1 |
27.11 | Cambodia - Timor-Leste | (1:0) 5:0 |
26.11 | United Arab Emirates - Yemen | (2:0) 3:0 |
26.11 | Qatar - Iraq | (0:2) 1:2 |
26.11 | Oman - Kuwait | 0:3 |
26.11 | Philippines - Myanmar | (0:0) 0:0 |
26.11 | Laos - Singapore | (0:0) 0:0 |
26.11 | Iraq - Pakistan | 3:0 |
26.11 | Tajikistan - Turkmenistan | 2:0 |
26.11 | Uzbekistan - Iran | 3:0 |
26.11 | Afghanistan - Kyrgyz Republik | 0:3 |
26.11 | Vietnam - Thailand | (1:0) 1:1 |
26.11 | Thailand - Indonesia | (0:1) 0:2 |
25.11 | Tanzania - Kenya | 0:2 |
25.11 | Philippines - Cambodia | (0:1) 1:1 |
25.11 | Burundi - Uganda | 0:2 |
25.11 | Vietnam - Brunei Darussalam | (2:0) 6:0 |
25.11 | Malaysia - Myanmar | (1:1) 1:1 |
24.11 | Pakistan - Palestine | 1:5 |
24.11 | Kuwait - Iraq | 1:1 |
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